10 August 2009

Curry Chicken Salad & Cobb Salad

So now you've got some ideas for breakfast. Here's some things to try for lunch. Keep in mind that both of these options are easy to pack and take with you to work or school. Remember to click the headings for photographs of the finished product!

Curry Chicken Salad

4-6oz. chicken breast, cooked
1 tblsp. mayonnaise
1 tblsp. brown mustard
1/4 C grapes, chopped
1/2 oz. walnuts, chopped
1/4 tblsp. parsley
1 tblsp. curry powder

Chop chicken breast and mix in mustard, mayo, parsley, and curry powder. Then gently mix in grapes and walnuts. Serve on half a bell pepper. Also try it as a sandwich with this fantastic bread recipe from elanaspantry.com. Pay careful attention to the products I have linked to. The mayonnaise has been selected because it is free of harmful soybean oil and the mustard contains only a few natural ingredients.

Bacon & Avocado Salad

4-6 oz. chicken breast, cooked
3 oz. mixed salad greens
1/2 oz. walnuts, chopped
1/2 avocado, diced
1 oz. pineapple, chopped
1 tblsp. red onion, chopped
1/4 C grapes, chopped
2 slices of bacon, cooked

Chop chicken breast and bacon. In a large bowl, place salad greens and top with the remaining ingredients.

Try this great homemade salad dressing (free of nasty soy oils and corn syrups) on your Bacon & Avocado salad.

Balsamic Dressing

1 C virgin olive oil
1/2 C balsamic vinegar
2 tblsp. agave nectar or honey
1 tblsp. parsley
1 tblsp. basil
2 tblsp. oregano
1 tblsp. brown mustard
pinch of sea salt and fresh ground pepper

Combine all ingredients in a medium sized mason jar and shake well.

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