It seems lately there has been a lot of experimenting going on in my kitchen. After a couple of different interpretations of cole slaw, this is the one that has stuck around.
I always get a lot of questions about my use of mayonnaise. In reality, mayo is really a pretty wholesome food that unfortunately just happens to have been mucked up by modernization and food production techniques. In it's most basic form, it is just eggs, oil, and vinegar. We can get along with that right? Sadly, most you see on the shelves in a jar are made with soybean oil and preservatives. Even mayos boasting about their use of olive oil are usually made with primarily soybean oil. The Spectrum brand as seen in the photo is the kind I use. It is made with 100% canola oil which, while it isn't a spectacular choice, is much better than any soybean version
. As always, if you have the time and means to make it yourself, please do, but for the rest of us... the Spectrum version will do in a pinch.
Honey Cole Slaw
1 package of slaw mix*
4 heaping tblsp. mayonnaise
2 tblsp. honey
2 tblsp. apple cider vinegar
Sea salt & pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Refrigerate overnight before serving.
*I seem to prefer the tricolor slaw as seen in the picture above (green cabbage, purple cabbage, and carrots), but this should work equally well with just green cabbage or broccoli slaw.*
That's all there is to it! Try it with some steamed shrimp or grilled pork.